Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Dream!

For I think it has a few years that I have be thinking about moving to a small town in Alaska. In the past few or more mouths that is all I can think about I really really want to move there more then anything even life!! I am scared because I know it will never happen!
I have be dreaming want it would be like but it is just a dream even if I get to go it might not happen like I dreamed! I dream of finding a small town where everybody knows body and they care about each other! They don't care what color you are!! They don't treat you like shit because you have
Mental Illness and a Learning Disorder. I find a house that I can walk to the Store, and the Doctors Office. A house with a yard and a tall fence so I can get my dream Siberian Husky with blue eyes! 1 male name TB A female name Holly may 1 or 2 more females A black and white, A brown and white, a gray and white all with masks. I am happy and I feel safe. And it is not so hot!!!
I know this is just a dream but I really with I can live it. I love Texas but it is to hot and alot of the people where I live are rube and mean they see that you have a Mental Illness or a
Learning Disorder they think you are a crack head ( I don't do hard drugs I hate them I grow up around it and know what it does to the person and the people around them) or they think you are weak and a easy target to push around and take their angry out on all because they had a bad day or have no life of their own. I am always tiered and sick to my stonach. I don't want to broke my word to my brother but I don't know how much I can take of this anymore!!!!!